Monday, February 14, 2022 / by Ken A Parker
Effectiveness of a Real Estate Agents When Selling Your Home
One of the most frustrating issues for home sellers is their home not selling. You now need to analyze the effectiveness of your past real estate agents marketing. How about the internet? How did your previous agent use this powerful tool? Did your previous agent promote your home using flyers or feature sheets? How many showings did your home have during the listing period? Showings are really the best way to measure the marketing effectiveness, short of an actual sale. Historically the sale of a home that has been priced correctly, and is in showing condition, occurs in the first two to three weeks of the home being on the market. Were you informed about what prospect's said about your home? What did they say about the price? Feedback from prospects and agents representing them can tell you a lot about your home and help you improve its saleability. If you did not get one offer after a number of showings, then it is certainly important to understand why. When interviewing realtors this time around have them show you their track record. You want to compare their result to the real estate board average. Now let's see how property condition affects the sale. The reason a lot of properties do not sell is that they haven't been prepped before they go out on the marketplace. As a home seller, you must become aware of how your home looks to others. Now is a good time to have your home analyzed. Ask the real estate agent who gave you this video to tour your home and give you some suggestions after walking through your home and seeing it from a buyer's perspective. Is there anything you would change, fix, clean? If you can't do it yourself, you may want to hire an outside service to do it for you. Your realtor is here to help you and remember it's a team effort. I wish you success in the sale of your home.
12402 Industrial Blvd Ste. A-2
Victorville, CA. 92395
Phone: 760-951-9050
Fax: 760-951-9121
I have over 886 Buyers in my Database looking for a HOME!!
*Your Home Sold or I’ll BUY it!!* - Ken Parker 760.951.9050.